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I-lll: 11:00-22:00; lV-Vl: 11:00-00:00; Vll: 12:00-22:00
Tiltai St. 26A, Klaipėda
Main dishes starting at €8

Friedricho Pasažas (Friedrich's Arcade)

More information
Friedricho Pasažas opened its doors in 2006, its name commemorating a historical figure, namely – Frederick William III of Prussia, who took residence in Klaipėda during the Napoleonic Wars. Thanks to its intimate cafés, bars, and restaurants, this unique urban arcade has already become one of the most popular spots in all of Klaipėda.
Friedricho Pasažas opened its doors in 2006, its name commemorating a historical figure, namely – Frederick William III of Prussia, who took residence in Klaipėda during the Napoleonic Wars. Thanks to its intimate cafés, bars, and restaurants, this unique urban arcade has already become one of the most popular spots in all of Klaipėda. As the locals like to say, “Friedricho Pasažas is a special place for special people”. The arcade is perennially filled with music and the hubbub of city residents and guests alike.

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