Lithuania is a land resounding with song. Don’t believe anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. Over many centuries, Lithuanians have built a veritable treasure trove of traditional song and dance.
Lithuania is a land resounding with song. Don’t believe anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. Over many centuries, Lithuanians have built a veritable treasure trove of traditional song and dance. Although, most of the time, it remains hidden in books and within the hallowed halls of museums, once every 5 years, it comes back to life in all its beauty and glory. Dainų Šventė offers an exceptional opportunity to experience, with your entire being, the magic and power of these traditional Lithuanian art forms. During the event, thousands of choristers, dancers, and musicians flow like tiny rivulets from across the land to a single point of confluence – all for the purpose of allowing you to enjoy the most gorgeous songs, impressive dance performances, and utterly mesmerising melodies. If you’ve never been to the Lithuanian Song Celebration before, make sure to give it pride of place on your calendar for 2024, or else you’ll have to wait another 5 years for it to return. It should also be noted that next year’s Dainų Šventė will be even more special than normally, for it will mark this signal event’s centenary. That’s an anniversary you don’t want to miss.