Nearby objects
The Danė River Promenade
Klaipėda Old Town and Downtown
Fachwerk buildings
Klaipėda Old Town and Downtown
Klaipėda’s Magical Sculpture Trail
Klaipėda Old Town and Downtown
The Dutchman's Cap
Karklė, Klaipėda
Pranas Domšaitis Gallery
Liepos St. 33, Klaipėda
II-III, V-VI: 10:00-18:00; IV: 12:00-20:00; VII: 10:00-16:00
Litorina Educational Trail
Karklė, Klaipėda Dist.
Smiltynė Beach
Smiltynė, Klaipėda
Giruliai Beach
Stovykla St. 35, Klaipėda