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Cosy. Colourful. Full of culture and life. Romantic and engaging – if you are in search of respite or inspiration, why not let Vilnius take you on a date? The city celebrated its 700th anniversary in 2023, and proved it had both the attitude and the moxie to throw a party like no other.

Vilnius is a city whose restless spirit entices you to explore it all day and all night. How else could you uncover all those hidden treasures that are waiting for you. There’s the mysterious courtyards of the Old Town and the sculptures that inhabit them. There’s the city’s age-old architectural details, not to mention the glistening waters of two rivers that ripple through the centre of the city. And who can forget the city’s multitude of green parks and shadowed gardens. Vilnius offers much to explore during the day, while at night the city comes alive with the buzz of the downtown’s many bars. And it is here, in the small hours, that strangers become friends. Your perfect escape plan. arrival to Vilnius. It takes only a few minutes to reach the Old Town from the airport, bus or railway station. Settle into charming apartments, the windows of which open onto the red roofs of Vilnius. Just one more hour and, ready to conquer the city, you will already be enjoying coffee in one of numerous cafés. As Lithuania’s largest city always have something to offer, we suggest you plan your schedule and learn about the discoveries offered by Vilnius. For more information on upcoming events here.