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Just like Rome, the Samogitian capital of Telšiai is built on seven hills. The old town, stretching along Lake Mastis, is dotted with small bear sculptures. It’s a fun exercise to count them all – there are 51!
Bear is the symbol of Samogitia, representing the strong and steadfast nature of the locals. The bear plays a prominent role in many local legends, including one that tells how these animals helped Samogitians to raise their children in hard times. Today, it appears on the Samogitian coat of arms and in many other reincarnations across the region. Just like Rome, the Samogitian capital of Telšiai is built on seven hills. The old town, stretching along Lake Mastis, is dotted with small bear sculptures. It’s a fun exercise to count them all – there are 51! And if you’re up for experiencing some Samogitian magic, kiss the nose of the bear of the sculpture titled Samogitian legends ("Žemaitijos legendos") – the bear will make sure that your dream will come true.