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Vytauto g. 8, 70346 Vištytis

Vištytis Regional Park near Kalvarija

Vištytis Regional Park
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Unlike other regions in Lithuania, Suvalkija doesn’t have its own national park. However, Vištytis Regional Park more than makes up for it. Located right by the country’s border, it features everything from romantic forest trails to giant boulders to clear lakes and lakelets.
Unlike other regions in Lithuania, Suvalkija doesn’t have its own national park. However, Vištytis Regional Park more than makes up for it. Located right by the country’s border, it features everything from romantic forest trails to giant boulders to clear lakes and lakelets. A hike through the park’s Šilelis educational trail will take you along the picturesque shore of Lake Vištytis. In addition to amazing lake views, it will lead you through a rich forest that is home to endangered species of flora and fauna. Don’t miss the brand new visitor centre with an engaging exhibition on the park’s treasures.