Zervynos is an ethnographic village frozen in the 18th century. Authentic wooden buildings with colorful shutters and intricate lattice work line the single street. Guided tours offer a glimpse into traditional life, culture, and surrounding traditions.
In the deep dense forests of the romantic Dzūkija region, you’ll find the ethnographic village of Zervynos. Here, times stand still. Visitors can walk along the single street, taking in the authentic wooden buildings with their colourfully adorned shutters and decorous lattice work. In fact, most of the buildings are still in the style popular in the 18th century. Guided tours are available, where visitors are not only given the opportunity to witness how people lived, but also learn a little about the surrounding culture and traditions.
The village is composed of 48 homesteads, and is still occupied, although the present population is only 36.