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Tourism statistics

Tourism statistics of Lithuania. Number of guests and overnights in Lithuanian accomodation establishments.

In recent years, both research and digitalisation have become a must for the tourism industry. At the same time, open data is a prerequisite for its growth and successful transformation. Tourism Data Dashboard helps to monitor the country’s tourism sector in real time. The dashboard shows publicly available systematised accommodation data provided by Statistics Lithuania, together with the sector’s employment, the balance of payments (BOP) in tourism companies, as well as data covering the import and export of tourism services and the outbound tourism data from other countries. This information is complemented by market research conducted by Lithuania Travel.

The dashboard also shows other tourism-related data (tourist expenses, visited places, tourist flows), breakdowns of tourism expenditure trends, and tourist profiles. The dashboard helps to easily compare, for instance, the volume and expenses of inbound tourists from several countries.

The dashboard also helps to quickly and conveniently find all the comprehensive information regarding Lithuania’s tourism in one place. The purpose of this tool is to aid tourism businesses in making evidence-based decisions. The platform is open to everyone interested in the development of the country’s tourism market – tourist information centres, Lithuanian embassies abroad, municipalities, the media, tourism business associations, etc. If you encounter any difficulties or notice an error while using the dashboard, feel free to use the feedback feature on the right side of the page. We’d be happy to make things better.

How to use it:

  • To access other reports, navigate the dashboard using the arrow button at the bottom.
  • To modify a report or expand the data that you need, use the filtering function (accessible in every chart).
  • To get a report covering more than one continent, country or municipality, keep the CTRL key pressed down when when selecting several elements in the filter.
  • To expand a specific chart, hover over the upper right corner of the chart and press the Focus mode button.
2024 year

Lithuanian tourism statistics for 2024 (for download in Excel format)

2023 year

Lithuanian tourism statistics for 2023 (for download in Excel format)

2022 year

Lithuanian tourism statistics for 2022 (for download in Excel format)

2021 year

Lithuanian tourism statistics for 2021 (for download in Excel format)


Lithuanian tourism statistics for 2015-2020 (for download in Excel format)